Empower Your ESOP Valuations
Ensure Fairness, Minimize Risk, and Streamline the Process
As a trustee, you understand the importance of accurate and compliant ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) valuations for compliance with adequate consideration rules. Art of Business Valuation is a qualified independent valuation advisor providing Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) trustees business valuations in accordance with ERISA, IRS, and Department of Labor (DOL) regulations and announcements for initial formation and annual updates.
Our People Make the Difference
We are responsive, engaged, and thorough. We get back to you promptly. We make our time commitments. (Try us.) We are people you want to work with.
Easy, Efficient Business Valuation Process
Every business is different. Every valuation report is customized for the company and situation. Art’s valuators do this using a custom process for document collection, research, analysis, and reporting simplifying your work and making sure ours is performed correctly.
Tailored Valuation Reports
We provide comprehensive valuation reports that touch on all areas of concern necessary to determine fair market value. Our reports are detailed, well-documented, and designed to withstand scrutiny.
Proven Track Record
We have over 30 annual updates every year and 10 formations under our belts. We are small enough that an experienced valuator works with you but large enough to have necessary experience.
Up To Date - Informed
We stay on top of the requirements of various Department of Labor compliance agreements, recent court cases and IRS announcements. We are active in the ESOP Association and the NCEO to stay on top of change. A proper compliant valuation process and report eliminates many potential problems.
Qualified Independent Valuation Advisors
Our valuators are credentialed by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the American Society of Appraisers (ASA). We follow all applicable standards including AICPA Statement of Standards for Valuation Services (SSVS).
Long Term Focus
Annual updates allow our valuators to work for the trustees and with management over time. Art’s valuators work with clients and management to teach how valuation and the forecasting process can become integrated into the long-term strategy of the firm as opposed to being “just a valuation exercise.” This produces improves the business and the business valuation.

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From our Blog

Seven Steps for a Trustee to Review an ESOP Business Valuation/Appraisal
One of the most important roles the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trustee has is to determine the stock price for the ESOP plan at the time of the initial transaction and then again each year. This is a fiduciary decision that must be made with care and diligence.

Determining the Share Value of an ESOP Company
As a trustee of an ESOP company, it is important to understand the primary drivers of value. We call them People, Processes, Profits. While simple, if you always keep these factors in mind, it will help you make informed decisions on correctly pricing annual shares.

Selecting an ESOP Business Valuator
Employee Stock Ownership Plans, better known as ESOPs, are required to have a compliant opinion of business value each year to assist the ESOP trustee in determining the share value for distributions and purchases of beneficiary stock. The trustee has the fiduciary responsibility of representing…