Book Reviews

“Greg Caruso guides both the small business owner and valuator in understanding the nuances of valuing a small business, from record-keeping and financial reporting differences to the due diligence required. Greg also successfully interprets complex valuation theories for the novice. “The Art of Business Valuation” is a worthy addition to any valuation library.”

Roger J. Grabowski, FASA
Managing Director, Duff & Phelps

“The Art of Business Valuation” focuses on small and micro business valuation (businesses under $10 million in revenues) in a way few – if any – other business valuation books do. Emphasis is placed on both the professional judgment and the technical aspects of business valuation. As such, it is a valuable resource that should be in the libraries of all business valuators and people who rely on business valuations.

Chris Mercer, FASA, CFA, ABAR
Founder, Mercer Capital

“For valuators, entrepreneurs, and business owners of small companies looking to build the value of their largest asset…their business, this is the manual.  Greg walks through how to value, what to focus on in understanding value and how to communicate it in this book.  It is the perfect CEO companion to your future.”

Mel H Abraham CPA, CVA, ASA
Author, #1 National Bestseller, The Entrepreneur’s Solution

“An overwhelming number of US businesses have less than $10 million in revenue—even less than $1 million in revenue.   Yet our profession’s body of knowledge offers scant advice on how to accurately go about it. Greg’s book changes that by unabashedly recognizing the differences in the application of data, procedures, methods, and approaches for these small companies … and how to work through it all. I wish this book would have been available 20 years ago when I started my business valuation practice.”

Rod Burkert CPA, CVA
Practice Development Coach and Business Valuation Expert,
Burkert Valuation Advisors, LLC

“Greg’s book is a straightforward and comprehensive guide for business valuators, business owners, and attorneys looking to understand the fundamentals of business valuation. Greg is able to convey complicated valuation theory in a way everyone can understand and utilize in order to regularly calculate or increase value.”

Melissa Gragg, CVA, MAFF, CDFA
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC

“This book is for those with a keen interest in business valuation focusing on businesses with revenues of less than $10 million. Gregory Caruso takes his extensive experiences associated with mergers and acquisition and business valuation and shares with you his tremendous insights. As an attorney, business appraiser and CPA he has the credentials and breadth of understanding to present you the reader with what you need and want to know.”

Michael A. Gregory CVA, CBA, ASA
Founder, Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC

“This is one of the rare books written by a valuation expert with actual experience of a business broker. The book simplifies the complexity of valuing small businesses in a well organized and easy-to-follow steps. Brilliant mix of theory and practice.”

Mike Adhikari
Illinois Corporate Investments, Inc., Mergers & Acquisitions

“This book provides so much spot-on insight in a conversational writing style, it’s easy to forget why you picked it up and just keep reading.  It’s a terrific resource, offering not just practical solutions to real world challenges in valuing smaller privately owned businesses, but also convenient references for the reader when a deeper dive is needed.

Cheryl B Hyder CPA, CVA, CFE, CFF
Principal, Hyder Consulting Group

“If you appraise small and very small businesses this book is a ‘must have’ for your library. Greg Caruso  shares his many professional business broker secrets of small business valuation not found in other business valuation texts.”

Alan L. Zipp CPA, ABV, CVA, CBA, CFE

“This Business Valuation Handbook is a must for anyone practicing business valuations and will serve as a great reference to the often less understood or perhaps even overlooked business valuation process and considerations.”

Pino L. Bacinello CBI, M&AMI, CMEA, CSBA
President and CEO, Pacific M&A and Business Brokers Ltd;
Founder and CEO, Financial Analysis Software

“As a founder of a growing valuation firm, I found “Art of Business Valuation” to be a very well written and thoughtful book… While reading, I realized that many items discussed in the book that we do not necessarily think about when valuing small businesses, are the things that can go terrible wrong. Not only is it a great refresher course for myself but a must read for my new valuators.”

Stephen A. White CVA
Managing Partner and Expert Valuation Analyst,
Onyx Partners Group

“Greg Caruso’s book is a must-read for every business broker.  Almost all brokers use the market approach to value a client’s business.  From my many years of research on the market approach I have observed countless errors brokers repeatedly make rendering a great disservice to their clients.  Greg takes the reader through the numerous steps one must take to apply the market approach properly and accurately.”

C. Fred Hall, CBA, CVA
CEO, Amador Appraisals and Acquisitions, Inc.