Roberto Castro, JD, MST, MBA, CVA, CPVA, recently prepared a book review of The Art Of Business Valuation, Accurately Valuing a Small Business in the QuickRead publication put out by The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts. His introduction:

“This is a book review of The Art of Business Valuation: Accurately Valuing a Small Business by Gregory R. Caruso, author. This book is a guide and desk reference published by Wiley for valuing small and micro businesses under $10 million in revenues.

The primary question answered in the book is: How do we as business valuators, business brokers, accountants, lawyers, owners, and other interested parties who prepare, review, evaluate, or use business valuations for small and very small businesses in difficult environments?

This is an environment where owners are still engaged in planning for the future. The owners are taking out loans. They are adding and eliminating partners who are often lifelong friends or family members, adding to the volatility of the mix. They are getting divorces. Some are even selling or filing for bankruptcy.

All of these common activities require an accurate business valuation; this is not just a matter of applying techniques, it requires that the person valuing the business continually ask him or herself “Does this make sense?”

The review goes on to explain how the book answers these questions. Click here to see the whole review.

The book, “The Art of Business Valuation, Accurately Valuing a Small Business” has 400 pages covering many professional judgement, calculation, standards, and other important valuation issues along with access to sample reports, calculators, and checklists downloadable from the web.   This will be the one book you will reach for if you value or rely on valuations of micro or small businesses with revenues under $10 million.  The book published by Wiley is available at your preferred bookseller. To Buy from Amazon Click Here

Greg Caruso, JD, CPA, CVA, the author of “The Art of Business Valuation, Accurately Valuing a Small Business” 2020 published by Wiley is always available to prepare (or review) business valuations for all purposes and situations. 

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