609-664-7955 gcaruso@artofbv.com

A great customer for a business is typically one who brings long-term value and positive contributions to the company.  They appreciate the value you bring, the quality you pour into your work, and the passion that fuels your hustle.

Here’s what makes a customer a true soul mate for your business:

  • They offer a High Lifetime Value (LTV).
    Loyalty runs deep. They’re not swayed by every shiny new thing. You provide them with good advice, the best products for the money, and what might be coming next.  They appreciate what you offer and generate substantial revenue over the course of their relationship with the business. They also become your biggest advocates, spreading the word about your brilliance. 
  • They pay on time.
    For businesses that provide products or services on credit, a great customer ensures timely payments. This contributes to the financial health and stability of your business.
  • They tell everyone great things about you.
    Great customers refer new clients to the business. This word-of-mouth marketing is powerful and often results in acquiring new customers at a lower acquisition cost.
  • They’re on the adventure with you.
    They’re excited to see you grow and evolve, embracing new ideas and supporting you as you navigate the ever-changing business landscape.
  • They respect you.
    A great customer engages in ethical business practices and respects the terms and conditions set by the company. Ethical behavior contributes to a positive and sustainable business relationship.
  • They understand your purpose.
    They get why you do what you do. They recognize the quality of products or services you provide and are willing to pay a premium for that value.
  • They know how to communicate with you.
    They’re open and honest, letting you know what they love and offering constructive feedback when needed. Two-way communication is the foundation of a strong relationship!
  • Finding these customer soul mates doesn’t happen overnight. It takes fostering a connection, building trust, and showing genuine appreciation for their presence. But when you find them, hold onto them tight! They’ll make your business more predictable, life easier, and become a driving force behind your success story.

Finding these customer soul mates doesn’t happen overnight. It takes fostering a connection, building trust, and showing genuine appreciation for their presence. But when you find them, hold onto them tight! They’ll make your business more predictable, life easier, and become a driving force behind your success story.