April 24, 2021 at from 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM is the next New Jersey Exit Planning Exchange meeting.

Gregory Caruso will be presenting to the New Jersey XPX Association on “Small Business Valuation in a Post Covid World”

The presentation will focus on how Covid has affected small business and business valuation in different industries and locations. Data from a variety of sources will be used to show the different effects on large companies, middle market companies, and small companies. Marketability discounts and iterative projections will be presented as ways to deal with high risk situations.

To download the Presentation Slides Click Here

The book, “The Art of Business Valuation, Accurately Valuing a Small Business” covers many professional judgement scenarios, explains calculations and standards in great detail and addresses other important valuation issues. You will also have web access to download sample reports, calculators and checklists. You will reach for this complete resource time and again.

The book published by Wiley is available through your favorite bookseller. More information at  www.theartofbusinessvaluation.com

Finally the author, Greg Caruso, JD, CPA, CVA, is always available to prepare or review business valuations for all purposes.  gcaruso@harvestbusiness.com

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