Quantitative Analysis vs. Qualitative Analysis in Small Business Valuation

Quantitative Analysis vs. Qualitative Analysis in Small Business Valuation

Valuing small business using financial statement evaluation and ratio analysis (quantitative analysis) can be difficult because companies do not tend to follow industry or GAAP standards. Even when cash flows are correct, other financial information may not compare well with available data. This means the business valuator must put more emphasis on understanding how the business really works beyond the numbers (qualitative analysis). This way, the valuator can determine if the business has resilience. Resilience allows the company to survive and thrive when roadblocks appear. This means that the business is more likely to meet financial forecasts, reducing risk. Here are a few soft factors that business valuators can review as part of proper qualitative analysis when quantitative analysis is not available.

What are the components to business valuation?

There are two main components to valuing a business. The first is forecasting future cash flow. Then, we determine the risks and likelihood that the risks will reduce the expected cash flow. We address risk using the discount or capitalization rate or the multiplier. The two components, cash flow and risk, are somewhat inseparable. For example, if we forecast a very high cash flow for a company, the risk of meeting the cash flow automatically goes up to some degree. In every business valuation the factors that should be reviewed and the impact on risk to the company can vary.  

What are the qualitative or soft factors to review in business valuation?

What are the cash flow trends over time? 

High margins and growth usually portend more good things.  

What is the management structure and the size of the company?

Owner/operators who do everything create risk. If something happens to them, the business might be in a lot of trouble. Furthermore, most buyers do not want to stock shelves if the stock person does not show up.  

What are the concentrations?

As I have said many times, concentrations kill. Yet small businesses are always going to have some. Concentrations can include geography (New York City was a much worse place to have a sit down restaurant in 2020 than most of Texas), management, suppliers, referrers, keywords (many an internet company lost profitability when keywords got too expensive), suppliers, referrers, customers, etc. For a small business, each of these create more risk than with larger companies in the same industry. They might even be way beyond what the typical small company comparable might have. For instance, we would have to adjust for more risk when comparing a commercial landscaper with only a few large clients to the typical landscaper with large number of smaller clients.

How well is the company organized? 

Organized companies with standardized processes that work every time are much stronger and deserve high business valuations than when a few people make all decisions shooting from the hip. Remember what my dad said: “Great systems exist when average people get extraordinary results every time.”

What is the workforce and employee base like?

Traditionally, many industries have placed an emphasis on management. However, having a loyal, well-trained workforce increasingly brings strong value. In a technical world, ramp-up time and training costs can be significant. This can be reduced if a qualified workforce is in place.

What is the company culture like?

Company culture can be very hard to assess. But some companies have a culture of overcoming problems and obstacles, which can be an asset. This is an important asset. A motivated can-do company culture greatly reduces risk. But be aware, it can change as management changes.

Most of these quantitative factors in business valuation are hard to assess and translate into numerical risk assessments. (Eventually we do have to work it into our quantitative analysis.) Unfortunately, much of it will never get beyond the claim of professional judgement. In fact, it is why professional judgement is more important in small business valuation than many other accounting and finance functions. Sometimes it is easy to see the advantage, but hard to assess an exact increase or decrease due to the complex interplay of factors. For instance, problems that might be a small bump in a fast growing economy could be the kiss of death in a recession.

This is why I say that business valuation is an art and a science. If you have questions about business valuation for SBA loans or planning and exit or succession, estate and gift tax, or ESOP’s contact me today

Gregory R. Caruso, Partner, Harvest Business, LLC t/a The Art of Business Valuation.

Business Valuation Firm for SBA, Mechanical Plumbing HVAC Company, and Estate and Gift Tax Business Valuations

Business Valuation Firm for SBA, Mechanical Plumbing HVAC Company, and Estate and Gift Tax Business Valuations

Here at Art of Business Valuation, Harvest Business, LCC, we evaluate businesses for a variety of reasons, including Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and Estate and Gift Tax planning. Here is a brief summary of a three recent business valuations by the business valuation firm done by Gregory Caruso, JD, CPA, CVA, lead appraiser. 

Estate and Gift Tax: Home Nursing / Eldercare Business Valuation 

The business is a franchise of home nursing and eldercare company with several locations.  The company had good relations with several hospital systems, which make constant referrals, driving new customers to the business. On the personnel front, the two owners and three strong upper middle managers made a good management team. They ensure consistent timely staffing and care. At this time they needed an evaluation because one owner wanted to gift his part of the business to his children. The buy-sell agreement was being modified and new restrictions were evaluated for estimating the discount of lack of marketability (DLOM) and the minority interest discount calculations. The business valuation cash flow did have some issues around reasonably supporting owner cash flow add backs and these were favorably resolved.   

SBA Business Valuation: Equipment Rental Company

The company primarily rents construction equipment, tent rental, and party and catering rental items. In general, these companies tend to be seasonal where summer presents stronger business and more income. This company experienced even more of that phenomenon, as it is near a popular summer beach resort. COVID-19 reduced tent and party rentals, but increased construction equipment rentals. Because of this, the equipment rental company appeared to have an almost typical year. The selling owner had several businesses and had put very little time into this company in recent years. This sale was a first step towards his retirement. The company was being purchased by a long term manager and the purpose of the business valuation was to support an SBA 7(a) acquisition loan.

Business Valuation: Plumbing, Mechanical HVAC Service

The company primarily provided HVAC service work to a large base of residential homes and some light office space in an exurban community. They had $6M in revenues and are a highly profitable company.  Much of their business was made up of small service and equipment replacement jobs, with some service contracts. They are particularly effective in internet marketing systems and have good Google and related reviews. They also had a good employee situation with plenty of trained techs. The purpose of this valuation was for partial bank financing of a family transition. 

Harvest Business, LLC also commonly called The Art of Business Valuation is an expert business valuation firm that provides business valuations nationally. Our lead valuator Gregory R. Caruso, JD, CPA, CVA, has performed hundreds and hundreds of business valuations and provided training and continuing education for leading business valuation, accounting, and legal programs. Your business value is worth our quality service and experienced business valuation judgment. If you have any questions or need a business valuation for any purpose reach out today. 

3 Ways Certified Valuators and Analysts (CVA) Can Move to the Next Level

3 Ways Certified Valuators and Analysts (CVA) Can Move to the Next Level

Let’s say you are doing a home renovation. You’d expect the professionals you hire (from the carpenter to the plumber) to actually be able to do the work you need. When we hire any professional for any task, we expect them to be professionals who can do their job well.

The same is true for Certified Valuators and Analysts® (CVA’s). In fact, the NACVA’s Professional Standards says that, “A member shall only accept engagements the member can reasonably expect to complete with a high degree of professional competence.” Basically, it is unethical for CVA’s as professional valuators to say we can do something that we can’t.

However, this standard can prevent us from taking engagements that we aren’t qualified to do. So how do we take our practice to the next level? In a recent article for Association News, the newsletter for the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, I suggest three main ways in which valuators can expand their knowledge, and therefore their practice.

I suggest you explore the tools that the NACVA makes available to members (and valuators should become members to access these tools). In my decades of work as a valuator, I have also found that a network of trusted peers (whether through your firm or the NACVA’s Mentor Support Program) can be really helpful. Finally, there are so many resources that others have to offer (including this blog and my book). Simply searching the internet for what you need may help you learn more.

Click here to read Gregory Caruso’s full article.