How to Increase Sales and Increase Business Value
Improved listening will Improve Your Leadership and Sales Results Improving Business Value Roberto constantly meets with prospects and in machine gun fashion proceeds to tell them why he is the best tax accountant (you could put contractor, banker, auto shop....) and...
Sample SBA 7(a) Business Valuation / SBA Business Appraisal Report
Sample SBA 7(a) Business Valuation / SBA Business Appraisal Report is provided below. Our reports are completely compliant, reasonably priced, easy to order and have a quick delivery time. Business valuations that are compliant with the SBA SOP (Small Business...
Don’t Get Fooled. Learn to Identify Seven “Easy to Miss” Errors in Business Valuation
The best a business valuator can do is issue an “Opinion” as to business value. As such there is always the possibility of mistakes or error in business valuations. These seven, “easy to miss errors” in business valuation can cause the business valuation...
Accounting Practice Exit and Succession Planning – A Missed Opportunity?
Most accountants and related professional practices fail to plan for their business or practice succession or business exit. This is a tremendous missed opportunity!
Improve Business Value – Build Your Business or Practice Like an ATM
“Daddy, I know how we get money.” Said my 3 year old son in his very deep voice. “How?” I asked. “We go to the ATM” he said. Well my son was right. Prior to everything being cards and phones it was important to have cash and I would get my cash at an ATM at my...
Grow Your Business Value by Planning and Goal Setting
Goal setting and planning with follow through is a proven way for professionals and business people to increase their earnings, increase their vacation time and increase their business value. We have produced a simple guide to goal stetting which includes a quick...
Listen for Better Business Valuation Results
We believe that listening is a key to better serving our clients. Improve your listening skills and improve your business valuations. Yes, it is as simple as listening. Listening is a lost skill. It is through listening that we can truly understand...
Quantitative Analysis vs. Qualitative Analysis in Small Business Valuation
Valuing small businesses can be a challenge because we don’t have matching data. Here’s an overview of soft factors to consider.
Market Method Business Valuation Presentation for Rhode Island NACVA Chapter
At 1:00 PM, October 20, 2021, Gregory Caruso is giving a two hour presentation to the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA).
Discounts for Lack of Marketability and Mandelbaum Factors
by Greg Caruso, We have done a number of business valuations for clients who want to gift part or all of their business interest. These valuations require a discount for lack of marketability because they are generally considered less marketable than if that person...